Category Archives : Wine Writing

3 + 1 Great Wine Blogs

I know you await my posts with a fervent desire, for which I am very appreciative. But, sometimes it is useful to get a different perspective. In the same way that travel broadens one’s mind, so too can reading outside of one’s usual comfort zone. In the spirit of helping out my friends, and I do […]


Online Empire Expands!

As an author trying to get my books out to interested readers, I find that I need to occasionally shift the focus of my online presence.  Now is such a time. I have created a Pour Me Another specific website,  This new site will be my primary online sales presence for Pour Me Another. […]

wine barrels

The Drops of God, Tadashi Okimoto

The Drops of God – A Graphic Novel About Wine

I am probably hopelessly out of date with this posting, but, I’m a bit of a fuddy-duddy at times.  I’ve never seen an episode of The Wire, or The Sopranos.  I find many critically acclaimed TV shows unbearably bad…yet I can’t wait for the next episode of American Idol. Sigh. I know. Don’t start. So […]

Detail of the wall o' wine at Scott Harvey's Sutter Creek tasting room

2011 Opinionated Wine Guide’s Year in Review

Ah, you can almost hear the siren song of the bloggers as they wrap up their year’s blogging exploits, successes and failures.  ‘Tis the time of year when we are all wont to reflect on our year just past and begin to plan for the year not yet arrived. And I’m no different. 2011 was […]

Long Time, No Post

I was shocked to see that my last post was almost 6 weeks ago.  My does time pass when you’re having fun or freaking out with anxiety. Two of those 6 weeks, I was out of town feeling all soggy in the wilds of New Hampshire.  We only got 3 sunny days out of 14. […]