Category Archives : Living with wine

Post, Post, Where Are The Posts?

Yes, it has been a while since I posted much here, which I feel bad about.  But no regrets. I’ve been working feverishly on completing my second book, Wine 101: An Introduction to Wine and Wine Tasting.  The book will be released at the end of this month. It has been a sprint here at the […]

Cover for Wine 101: An Introduction to Wine and Wine Tasting

Use wine to invest in relationships. The pay off will be huge!

Wine Is A Beverage Not A Financial Investment

I recently read a blog post by the engaging Madeline Puckette, the moving force behind which irked me.  Madeline is a fun and knowledgeable wine expert and her posts rarely irk me.  Check out her site.  I recommend it highly.  But the post in question offered tips for those wanting to collect wine. The […]