Metro Wine Map of California
The makers of the highly regarded Metro Wine Map of France have done it again. This time they have created a Metro Wine Map of California. The maps are done in the style of Paris metro maps, with major stops indicating wine making locations and key information about local grapes easily located. Each region is a different color.
I was enchanted by the Metro Wine Map to France. I received it as a gift from a relative and I have spent hours pouring over it. The information graphics are ingenious. So when the map of California became available, I jumped at the opportunity to buy one. The map in your hands does not disappoint. It is a handy reference for those who are familiar with California wines and a nice introduction to the wine making regions for those new to California wine making regions. (Yes, Virginia, there is more to California wines than Napa or Sonoma.)
The map is in full color, printed on sturdy paper, at 18 inches by 24 inches in size. It is suitable for framing. I am looking forward to getting both my metro maps to France and California framed and hung above my desk for easy reference. They give me great pleasure.